Friday, June 8, 2012

How the Democrats Respond to Walker Recall Victory

The DNC War Room the Night of the Walker Victory 
A Very Close Approximation 

This video is extraordinarily on-point. 
An intelligent person watching it has two choices -- laugh or cry. 

Laughing is better. Enjoy!

A Note About the Appropriateness of Using Hitler in This Video 

Hitler has become a cliched Bogyman - Anyone we don't like we compare to Hitler, anything we don't like we compare to Nazism. It has become trite from over-usage. 

However, Hitler's methods were extremely effective, his siren song particularly attractive, his adherents of a particular type. When we truly do see his tracks being retraced, it is vital we ring warning bells. Most know what Hitler did when he achieved power. Few understand how he achieved power and who he appealed to to get it. Obama and the rest of the new Socialist leadership certainly do understand the how and the who! 

Most people are totally unaware that Hitler was a Socialist. Our term, Nazi, is a pejorative diminutive for National Socialism (Nationalsozialismus). The Nazis did not call themselves Nazis, they referred to themselves as National Socialists. They understood socialism. They knew what they meant by calling themselves Socialists and, most importantly, they knew who they appealed to by calling themselves Socialists. Their policies were straight out of the Socialist playbook with a racist overlay to supply the "them" Socialists require to focus their hatred. 

In the 1920's Hitler focused his rage on capitalists, big business and the bourgeois (well off). However Hitler was that oxymoron exception that proves the rule -- an intelligent Socialist*. Thus he came to understand that he needed industry and the people who knew how to make it work to make Germany strong. Therefore in the 1930's he shifted his focus almost entirely to the Jews as the "Them" demons. Today we hear much about the despicable "Wall Street Bankers." In the 1930s the language and focused hate was the same, except that instead of "Wall Street Bankers" it was "Jewish Bankers." Just something to keep in mind when thinking about this video. 

*Actually I don't believe Hitler was a Socialist. Hitler was an opportunist and saw opportunity in socialism. He was only an "on the record" Socialist because that is what he needed to be to attract followers of the appropriate mentality to lift him to power. More on this later.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

NOW Women
Principled Women or Fluffers for Obama

It matters, Mr. Crawford... Other cops know who you are. They look at you to see how to act... It matters.

As Clarise Starling, Jodie Foster's character in Silence of the Lambs, so succinctly puts it concerning sexism from those we look to to lead us: "IT MATTERS!"

Vulgar, disrespectful sexism from our leaders matters! We look to them to see how to act.

Now there is this slap in the face to all women.

6/7/12 12:54 AM EDT -- President Obama, in Los Angeles for a fundraiser, offered this observation on his wife's exercise routine, via the pool report:
    “Michelle outdoes me in pushups as well,” he said, after saying that she’s taken some criticism on her technique “because she doesn’t go all the way down” – a line that he let hang, naughtily, provoking laughter from the crowd.

Is this sort of disgusting public put down of a women, of a spouse, ever acceptable? President Obama has just put his stamp of approval on this sort of degrading putdown. Before the sun has set it will be repeated in 10's of thousands of homes. And for those women who don't want to "go all the way down," how many are going to hear, "Come on baby, don't be like the First Lady!" as their heads are dragged "down" by the hair?

We are all waiting to hear what the lovely ladies at NOW have to say about this! We are waiting to hear what Oprah and Maddow have to say! How will Huffinton and Dowd respond? Will they respond as they would if Mitt Romney had said the very same words, or will they "go down" for President Obama? Are they principled women first or are they fluffers for Obama first?

This is not acceptable from any leader. American women, all America deserves an apology!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So Some Americans Think Obama is a Moslem

What would I have answered if asked the “what religion is Obama?” poll question? That would have entirely depended on the precise wording of the question.

What is a Christian, or a Jew, or a Moslem? I have many atheist or agnostic friends who are culturally Christian or Jewish. Is a Jew who does not believe in God still a Jew? Is a Christian who does not believe in the divinity of Christ but still celebrates the Christian holidays still a Christian? Is a young man who spends his most formative years as a practicing Moslem, a Moslem? That depends on your definition of Christian, Jew or Moslem. How you define a word, specifically, is all important. A person can be an atheist and still, culturally, be a Christian or a Jew. That is because he has internalized the Judeo-Christian value system inherent in our Judeo-Christian society.

Most of us who have grown up in America are, culturally, Judeo-Christians. That is true even for those Americans who are atheist or agnostic. Whatever our particular religious beliefs, the Judeo-Christian value system has likely shaped our fundamental value system. It is the cultural milieu we are surrounded by.

That is not the cultural or religious milieu Obama bloomed in. During his most formative years Obama lived in the world’s largest Moslem nation, in an observant Moslem family, attending a Moslem school. If that had been me, I would likely have become culturally Moslem, identifying myself with the Moslem identity. I suspect that Obama did just that. Does that make Obama a Moslem?

Viewed this way, Obama may well be, culturally, a Moslem. Is it unreasonable to ask: Did Obama internalize the Moslem culture and value system, if not the specific religious doctrines of that religion? Is he “one of us?” How are we to judge? Just because Obama says he’s Christian? I don’t thinks so. Recall that old joke: “How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.”

Just because a politician says a thing is true doesn’t prove it to be a lie, it only proves it likely to be a lie. When it comes to identifying the beliefs of a politician, I prefer that old adage “actions speak louder than words.” For those Americans who say that, since the election, they have come to believe that Obama is a Moslem, I think they are saying that, since the election, Obama’s actions have convinced them that Obama is, at least culturally, a Moslem; that he is not one of us.

Who is to say if this is correct? On his issue the people are always right. Either the people accept and believe in a leader as “one of us” or he is, de facto, not “one of us.” More and more Obama’s actions teach us, Obama is NOT one of us.